Dandenong Baptist Church
About Our Church
Dandenong Baptist Church is a community of people who love God and love people. We value our neighbours and long to extend our community more and more into the city of Dandenong. We want to share in your joys and your heartaches, to lend a helping hand in your struggles, to celebrate with you in your successes and to offer a listening ear and caring words.
Dandenong Baptist Church is a great place to meet new people, make good friends and become part of a community that supports and cares for you. We would love for you to join us.
If you would like someone to talk to about your spiritual needs, or to just have a friendly chat, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Ministry Team
Our Services

Sunday Family Service 10 A.M
Our main weekly worship service, with creche facilities and Sunday School. Following the service, you are welcome to join us for a cup of tea or barista coffee.

Nourish Church: Sunday Evening Service 5:30 P.M.
An informal service followed by a shared meal. We are currently studying the book of Acts.

Sunday Cambodian Service: 2 P.M.
Join our Cambodian Ministries for Cambodian people. Main service in Khmer, youth service in English.
Our Activities

Bible Study
As a community who loves Jesus, we are committed to learning and growing as His disciples. Various groups meet throughout the week at different times and in different locations. There are more groups than those listed on this site. If you are interested in joining a group, please contact David Talathoti.

Men’s Ministry
The men’s ministry meets twice each month to discuss a Biblical perspective on the many challenges and struggles faced by men today. Friendships are built, we share pizza, stories and the occasional game of pool. Contact Joseph Srilal for more information.

Wednesday Patch, Stitch & Chat: 10 A.M.
Join us for a sew and chat over a cuppa each Wednesday morning at Dandenong Baptist Church. This is a great opportunity to make new friends whilst creating beautiful gifts for those in need. The cost is $4 per week. For more information, contact Sue North.

Wednesday Young Adults: 7:00-9:00 P.M.
The Young Adults group welcomes all singles and couples who would like to connect with a diverse group of people from varied backgrounds, life stages and outlooks on life. If you’re aged between 18 and 35, and you would like to learn more about Jesus, or simply meet some new friends, we invite you to join us. We meet for Bible study, prayer and supper each Wednesday evening at 7pm and run social events throughout the year. Contact Janik Joshua for more information.

Thursday Ladies Bible Study: 10:00-12:00 P.M.
In a welcoming home environment, this weekly study group is a great way to go deeper into Scripture while forming friendships with other ladies. Contact Sue North for more information.

Thursday Nourish Bible Study 3:30 P.M.
A weekly Bible study for community members in an environment where any and all questions are ok. A great intro-level study for people wanting to get to know God’s Word in a comfortable and welcoming space.

Thursday Night Bible Study 7:00 – 8:30 P.M.
Every Thursday evening during school terms, this group meets to delve deeper into Scripture. Challenging questions are not off limits, come along and share fellowship while exploring God’s Word. Contact David Talathoti for more information.

Nexus Youth Group: 7-9:30 P.M.
At NEXUS Youth we aim to create a safe space of belonging for youth in Greater Dandenong. We believe in connecting with one another, growing together and watching as lives are transformed. We hold youth group every Friday night during the school term for Grades 6-12 from 7.00-9.30pm at Dandenong Baptist Church. We hope to see you there.

Sunday School: during Family Service (during term)
Sunday School takes place every Sunday during school term and is open to all children in primary school. Our dedicated team of teachers and volunteers work together to help teach your child to love God and His Word. Contact Abby Weller for more information.

Nourish Meal: Following Nourish Church
Join us for an informal service including a shared meal. This service is open to anyone who would like to join us. We would love to meet you. Contact Naomi Paterson for more information.

Cornerstone Contact Centre
Cornerstone Contact Centre is a not for profit Christian organisation based at Dandenog Baptist Church, which works alongside those who are in need of a safe place to call home. Through providing a place of hospitality, belonging and engagement Cornerstone helps people address issues such as family violence, drug addiction, homelessness, poverty, mental health and social isolation. For many who come from challenging backgrounds it is a source of dignity and hope, a place where people can feel safe, valued and important. Visit our website
Live Streaming Service

If you would like to give to this church, donations aren’t required, but as always, appreciated. Please use these account details to transfer:
BSB: 704-922
Account: 100 005 763
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